Online businesses for therapists who want to
live better, serve more, and sacrifice less.
If you’ve dreamed of using your hard-won skills to build a life that truly reflects your values and dreams -
this is the place for you.

I help therapists get clarity on their passions (in and outside of the therapy room), identify the ways those passions could turn into profits, and set them on the path to their dream income, impact, and a life with worth savoring - all by leveraging the best business opportunities on the internet.
“Create your dream income, impact, and a life worth savoring.”
It’s hard to know how to get started.
I remember feeling so excited, but also a little afraid to even hope for something better. I wanted more out of life than the traditional 8 - 5 agency job. But, probably like you, I didn’t know where to start. And how could we? How are we supposed to know what the options are? Which of our million of ideas can actually translate into purpose and profit? This was definitely not covered in grad school. But guess what?
I’ve got you! There are soooo many ways you can do your heart-guided, soul-deep work in this world.
And I’m here to help!
Work less, earn more, and make more of an impact
I built a successful online coaching and consulting practice, run a full time online only therapy practice, created courses that sell like hotcakes, and am launching my podcast and membership site!
I work less, earn more, and make more of an impact than I ever have before.
You can have a life of purpose and meaning. You can have a life full of zest and ease.
C’mon in, friend.
It’s a beautiful day to start building the life AND business you will LOVE.