Posts in Marketing Strategies
Season 2, Episode 3: Setting Online Therapy Session Rates (And Coping with Your Inner Critic)

So, you want to increase your rates, but you have an internal critic who's just yammering yammering yammering in your ear, making it hard for you to take the steps that you need to to increase your rates to start getting some self-paying clients or to fill with self-paying clients and today we're going to work through some of those internal critical thoughts that you might be having so that you can free yourself up to be able to live the life that you want.

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Season 2, Episode 1: How to Get Full Fee Private Pay Therapy Clients in My Area (Even if I Think They Can't Afford It)

"How do I get full fee private pay clients, when people in my area can't afford that rate?" One of the things that I feel super important is that we at least know how to get a few private pay clients so that we're diversifying the way that we are receiving our income. So today, I'm going to talk to you about what to do when you think that the people in your area can't afford private pay.

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